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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

My First Car Show

Disclosure: This will be a boring post. Advice: Just look at the pictures. Don't bother reading it. Seriously. Don't.

Last Friday, March 1, 2013, my school hosted its first Grand Auto Show. It is to wrapped up our Intrams week. Basically this is a show for custom-made cars, It was really cool and all because their is loud music everywhere and some cute car owners. :)

from right to left: Jazzel, Ate Jill, me, Karen and Dais

We are so excited that day but our excitement subsided because we learned that we still have classes in the afternoon. Bummer ! I was like freakin' out that time because I really want to stay there and see the car show. I was so envious of some my friends who got to watch it.
We can still watch it later in the evening but I would be so drained na that time. Anyways, we still got our pictures, so I'm happy about it. 

Btw, this are not ALL the cars in the auto show. There were a lot of cars that day. Too bad I didn't get to take pictures in all of them.  

 This are some of the cuties I am talking about. And take note, they are the ones who wants to take a picture with us.
 ( Ganda lang namin diba? ) HAHA LOL

This pink car is so cute! I think this is my favorite. I'm not usually keen on too much girly stuff, but this one is too cute! And the owner is really nice, so big points for that. 

This car is so bad-ass. When I saw this in the morning I didn't really see what is so special about. But when I saw it later in the evening, ohmygad. The lights were on, and it looks like the cars in the movie Transformers! I literally can't see through it because the headlight is so bright !  

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