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Sunday, March 3, 2013

Sunday Morning. ♥

Its Sunday ! Time went by so fast, its the last day of the week again. And I am going to have my hospital ward duty, AGAIN, tomorrow. :( You might be confused why I hated hospital duties when in fact I should love it because I am a student nurse and that will be my future workplace. But I really hated it. The paper works, the never ending vital signs monitoring, the case pres afterwards. Just thinking about it makes me stressed even more.

Well anyway, I'll stop my complaining and get to the good part. :)

I got my goodies from Digital Traincase YEEEEYYYY ! After waiting for a month ( I got mine pre-ordered that's why it took that long. ) I got it ! *celebration dance LOL
I won't review it today because I still have photos soooo..... I'm just going to rant and rave how excited I am to use the products I ordered. Oh btw, I ordered Milani Lique'fy Metallic Pencil in Brown, Nyx Matte lipstick in Tea Rose and Nyx Soft Matte Lip Cream in Milan. I know, i know it is not much unlike other beauty bloggers who buys by bulk. HAHA that cracks me up. By bulk haha.

Let me tell you, I am only a student and technically I can't really afford all my compulsive shopping without the help of my parents.

So I can't really review or swatch a lot of stuff. :) But I'll try my best to blog/review all the products that I bought. It is just a little thing but it can really help a lot of people. I really appreciated all the bloggers and vloggers who really take their time reviewing and commenting on various products. I am the type of shopper who doesn't really buy something without checking in the internet and looking at the positive reviews, especially in cosmetics. Because that's the stuff you put in your FACE ! Having a not-so-perfect skin, I am really conscious buying cosmetics and other face/body products.

So I am the type who doesn't tries and test a lot of face products because I don't wanna risk it. HAHA
Anyways.. Hope you have a good Sunday everyone ! Gonna do my laundry now. :)

See how messy my table is? Gonna work on that. *wink

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